Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Day 3

Day 3

This was Ethan's dream day (John didn't confess to this as Ethan did, but I am sure that he was psyched). They got to go into two state capitols in one day. Trivia time---- What is the capital of Arkansas? What is the capital of Oklahoma ? Did you get them? If so, and you think you are smart--- what is the capital of New Hampshire? Missouri? South Dakota? I just thought I'd try to stump you. =) Yes, this is what we do in the car quite often. Back to my point though. We went into two capitols (I went in one, they went in two).
(BTW, we looked this up--- "capitol" refers to the building and "capital" refers to the city.)

After Little Rock we went to Hot Springs National Park. The kids did the Junior Ranger program and we touched some of the hot water. If you haven't been there you are not missing anything.

In Oklahoma City Daniel got one of his Christmas gifts. He got to pick out an animal at Build-A-Bear. This gift was under the guise of being for him, but really I enjoyed it as much as he did! =) I tried to talk him into getting one of the reindeer but he was set on his dog that he named Smokey. Smokey has a firefighter's outfit on.

Angie--- I am with you girl--- Okalhoma City is rather dull. The mall was really nice though!

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Fire Station Field Trip

Fire Station Field Trip

Bat Man

Dakota aka "Dog"

Mr. Man